Beef Up Your Security ... Don't Be Left Ruing... Speak To Razor Tech

Recently The Australian Financial Review (AFR) , wrote an article regarding Australian businesses are being targeted by Cyber Criminals, you can see the article here . This is quiet worrying for small business and any Australian business given the severity of what cyber criminals can do. We've seen the negative impacts of WannaCry 's, worldwide attack, if you haven't heard, read the Sydney Morning Herald's article on WannaCry here . Cebit Australia on their website spoke of Australia being in the Top 5 of Countries to be attacked by Cyber Criminals, this was backed up with research conducted by Kaspersky .

It's not just the Cyber Criminals and Cyber attacks you should be worried about. How about all the prying eyes that can see into your computer, and collect your data? Using a Microsoft Windows 10 PC? It collects your data, read the article from Computer World . Apple computers gather your data also, PC World made reference in an article here . How about the NSA's mass snooping? The Washington Post's article informs us to how the NSA can use our smartphones, TVs and cars to work out who you the user are. Scary stuff.

Either way if you're a Small Business, Sole Trader or a regular user in Australia, think hard about how you want to safeguard your systems. Research the topic and learn about some of the leading products out there. We recommend: Kaspersky and Malwarebytes for starters. You can even install web browser pugins such as: Disconnect and Adblock/Adblock Plus

Don't forget the all important component, Virtual Private Network (VPN) , get a VPN now, don't wait, pay for a good one today! We recommend quiet a few and will write in depth about VPNs very shortly. You can research VPNs to use but for now we recommend: PureVPN and VyperVPN .                

If you need support and want to speak to an expert about your Cyber Security , then call: Razor Tech  , make haste and protect your digital data and systems.


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